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One sided truth.

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India or bharat as we say it, our motherland, has a very vast and rice culture, we have been oppressed for centuries from foreign invaders etc. But let’s go back and have a look at the history our Vedas and puranas tells us. Starting from lord Rama’s yug, we had God and devil, both had great characters and even the devil was the biggest worshipper of lord Shiva, great Scholar in Ayurvedic medicine. He was the person who invented “Arka Shastra”. The book “Arka Prakshaya” reveals this truth to the present world. As his willing to research in Ayurvedic medicine he wrote several books revealing the cures for many diseases.The book “Kumara Tantraya” which reveals the treatments for infant diseases was written by him accepting the request of his pregnant queen Mandodari. He also composed Shiva tandav strotam.

So what caused the decline of this great ruler was just the lust of a woman who was his sister and gave him half the information that some guy has cut her nose and ears without telling him that it was she who misbehaved with the guy and forced him to do the act.  Which if seen in today’s context is a perfect example of fake case and the devil guy is the example of govt. Who just on the mere allegations without even giving the guys a chance to prove the innocence, tried to punish those guys. This led to the downfall of his kingdom. And if today we don’t realise this fake feminism is destroying our country, we will also perish.

Now let’s come to the lord Krishna yug, where an act of cruelty done by a mother on his new born child is smartly downplayed as an act of helplessness by a unmarried women. She could have given this child to anybody in the kingdom anonymously but no she gave this child to river, but to the luck of the child he survived and became the biggest warrior of that yug on his struggle and willpower alone.

What amazes me in these two yugas was the qualities even the bad guys had but the women on the other hand being in the corner of the Gods also did what can never be expected of a human being. There are many examples like kaikaiyi, Manthra, Kunti etc.

But today’s serials which run the agendas of fake feminists and solely concentrate on profit making, shows us that all war happened in God and devil, but smartly ignore the fact that women was the main reason behind the wars.

Moreover we can see many TV serials, movies, documentaries etc. Which boasts about the atrocities women face but do they research or even take the data of authorised institutions for this. The answer is a big NO because they just have a simple agenda to break indian family system by inserting a seed of fake feminism on the name of women empowerment. These money minded people don’t even consider that this is a double sided knife which will cut into their families also. These serials etc. are the real reason that those who speak for the feminism, without even having the slightest knowledge of the ground reality, are considered as educated and intellectuals. And those who after taking into consideration the real harsh ground reality and statistics, speak for men’s issues are looked down upon with inferior sentiments.

The naked truth of the society is there are more men facing the injustice and atrocities of the women, they can’t even speak for themselves because society behaves as if men is the root cause of all evil. I want to ask these fake feminists to first challenge the mother nature who have done partiality by giving them the power to give birth as they have to bear the pain for 9 months. It’s the mother nature who have given the masculinity to men and not to women.

World can be a better place if we respect our surroundings, our people. There are a few things which a human has no power to change, we should accept that and move ahead. In the end I vote for equal laws, equal opportunities. Reforms of these gender biased laws is much needed and the first thing to do if we want to save our families.

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