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Towards Fascism: After grabbing their property, Govt to throw men into ghettos.

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If everything goes great for the Manmohan Singh Government, by end of 2012 your earnings and hard earned property will no longer belong to you. All your life’s saving and property will belong to the Government. Well, Not literally, but Government can really ruin you, your finances and your future, if you are a MAN having committed the simple crime of getting married.

This all was started by Governement in a very innocent and reasonable manner using its funded “Feminist Pawns” and “Women’s Organisations”.They argued very reasonably that when a married couple purchase a house or an immovable property, both husband and wife contribute to it through their earnings and through their contribution to marriage. So, in case a couple decide to divorce, then they must divide this marital property among themselves. This way women, who never do a job or earn money and take care of family by doing daily chores like cooking, cleaning and raising children, can get a part of the property equivalent to their financial contribution to the marriage. Fair enough!!

So, the innocent proposal was, if a couple are married for 2 years, then both of their earnings and property purchased during these two years, will be added after deducting any loans and other liabilities; then this amount is divided equally between wife and husband in case they divorce.

Of course, if there are childen out of wedlock, then it will be responsibility of both biological parents (father and mother) to take care of child’s current and future needs. Similarly, when the child grows up, he or she has to contribute back to the mother and father during their old age.

After giving this innocent proposal to mislead Indian people, the Government conveniently changed the tone.

Now, the Government has come up with a new draft law, which says, during a divorce a wife has a right to keep all her savings and her purchased property as her individual property and only the husband’s property will be considered marital property and wife will get half of it.

The outrageous point is, if wife and husband had earned same salaries working in same jobs, in same Software Companies and have purchased property together, then after divorce the wife will be 3 times richer than the husband. The Government can make the husband lose whatever left by making him fight a costly legal fight over dozen false criminal cases inside a slow corrupt unaccountable judicial system.

Hang on. That is not just the end of it.

The draft law also proposes that courts will give wife half of all earnings and purchased property of the husband even BEFORE the marriage.

In short, a woman can marriage a guy today and divorce him tomorrow to walk away with 1/2 of his property. Nonsense.

The only thing left now for the Government is to, throw men into ghettos and make them work for free. Even that day is not far, as the Government and its funded women’s organisations (feminists) will not be satisfied even after taking all the earnings of men. They will soon move to grab even future earnings of men and donate it to women, so that women can spend it on shopping and gambling, while Government throws men into jail for subjecting them to forced labour.

Welcome to Law Making in India!! This proposed law is approved by Cabinet Ministers after the Law Minister Salman Khurshid consulted with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Now, we can understand why there are so many rebellions all over India from Kashmir to Chattisgarh. The Indian Government is like a conglomerate of extortionists and maintaining peace in the society is its last priority.

The Government is actually craving for massive social unrest and a rebellion all over India. If women are rewarded for divorcing husband rather than staying in marriage, then divorce rates in urban India will sky rocket to 50% from current 10%. If you are a right minded citizen interested in future of your children, future of society, culture and family system, then it is time for you to stand up against this Government and Indian Parliament against such “Tughlakhism”. Otherwise, everyone including your children will pay a huge price for a hundred years.


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  • First, will this law be applicable for marriages solemnized before the act? If yes, then the husbands will have to pay a lot. He is doomed.
    Second, Boyz and Men should refuse marriage.

    The Government has become crazy and I feel that this amendments is a handiwork of criminal lawyers and feminists organizations so that they can get their piece of meat.

  • The clan of immoral women is growing fast due to support of government agencies including judiciary. For such women family value is secondary and money is the prime objective of their life and government is going to assist them in looting of their husbands wealth. Should the government go ahead with proposed bill empowering women to snach husband’s properties, Indian husbands might prefer to quit a lawless India to settle in some outside country. Even China and Pakistan appear to have better legal system in their countries.

  • I am based abroad in Zambia, my wife n I are in a divorce battle. Ever since school reopened on June 17 2013, my kids who stay in India with her in my parents house, are not being sent to school. This is a tactics to pressurize me to bow to her demands. Can anyone suggest a way out of this, I can’t stay in India all the time and send kids to school. I have paid all school fees, books and relevant transport for both my kids.

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