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Men’s Rights Movement and Racism

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Men were primary victims of racism. Men were the main victims of slavery. Men are the majority of victims of war. Even today, men are the majority of victims of crime, suicides or accidents.

The civil liberties movement or the fight to abolish slavery are the early movements for Men’s Rights. Get it straight, you all morons. If you do not get it, then you are intellectually challenged. No doubt, it is men who perpetrated racism, castism and slavery. However, they were always a small minority. The beneficiaries of these evil practices were alway a small group of men. Most men suffered through out history and most men protected women and children even by risking their own lives.

In fact, the first credible Men’s Rights Movement in the world is the Communist and Socialist Movement. It is oppressed men, who sat together in Europe and Russia and decided that they will end oppression of men by a few rich and powerful men. They flattened hierarchy to a great extent. However, Communist movement soon went to the dark side, turned evil and it created heavy centralised corrupt Governments and fascist dictators, who killed millions of men. It is exactly the same times, the Communists claimed that “men oppressed women” since ages and this oppression is same as oppression of poor by rich and oppression of slaves by slave owners. They also decided to break communities, break marriages and families, so that it is easier for the oppressive heavy Government state and its machinery to indoctrinate people and control their lives. Then, they found patriarchy theory of Anthropologist Henry Morgan, lying in a dustbin in some college Library for half a century. Then, the rest is history.

This great early Men’s Rights Movement and its activists forgot their basics and paid a huge price. In doing so, they promoted a lot of mentally challenged idiots in Humanities and Arts departments across the world.

The cruel irony for men is that the entire human civilization is built on the bodies of dead men. Had there been no World War II, we would have started using primitive cell phones only in the year 2050. A very small portion of this misery impacts women and children. For this there is feminism and all the talk about “pay gap”. They will not look at “suicide gap” between men and women. Three times more men compared to women die in accidents, murders and suicides, and yet communists and feminists claim that men’s movement is equivalent to “racist white extremist” movement.

Had it ever happened in history that “Whites in South Africa on a big sinking ship shouted, “Black Men, Women and Children” first when life boats were launched”? Yet, it is men who shouted on the decks of a sinking Titanic,”Women and Children First”, while knowing very well that they can be dead within an hour or two. If women were subjugated and they were slaves of men for centuries, then did men say, “women(slaves) and children first”? Please use some logical of induction.

We can not imagine, any white man promoting apartheid in South Africa shouting, “blacks and children first” if any ship sank near Madagaskar Island.

Racists never vowed to protect their slaves risking lives. But, men did vow to protect women. Men still do and they protect women.

Upper caste people never promised to protect the dalits in India. But, men did protect women risking their lives. We do not know any upper caste oppressor protecting dalits by risking his life.

So, why all these futile attempts are made at comparing racism with men’s rights movement? Because, these logically challenged people from Arts and Humanities background, see too many men on the Top and they assume that because there are too many men on the Top, so there is discrimination and oppression of women by men. They think men on the Top are equivalent to racists, while women on the bottom are like black people.

What these Humanities and Arts graduate idiots fail to see is, there are too many men in the bottom of pyramid as well, even below the average women. The poor males are on an average are worse off than poor women. If there are more men on the top, then it is because they took great risks to go to the top and they also took risks to sustain themselves on the top. For every successful apha-male monkey on the Top, there may be a thousands, who got hit with the risk and are either dead or are now living like losers. The probability game produces Great Male Leaders, however it also miams most men, physically or psychologically and leaves them with no chance to recover.

Now, females can also take great risks and to the Top. Some females do. However, most females crave for comfortable risk free life and they are reluctant to play the game. They crave too many incentives from the system/society/Govt and too many gifts from fellow men by exchanging sex. So, we see few females on the top even today. Now, some feminists are trying to convert females into males at least psychologically to push them to the Top. Then, the behaviour of these females on Top is no way different from the behaviour of apha chauvinist male monkeys on Top. These “psychologically male” females perpetrate exactly the same kind of atrocities on people that feminists themselves claim to fight against.

Females can never take risks like men, not at least in next 100 years. They can still exchange sex for money, whether inside marriage or outside, often with help of Government. With a capability to commodify themselves and with Government chivalry pimping them, there is no way most females will love to risk life and limbs like men. So, they will never be on the Top, even if policies for huge reservations for women are implemented.

So, feminists will keep claiming that there are male supremacists sitting on the top discriminating women, while at the sametime forcing the Government create policies to pimp women by converting them into commodities in marriage and relationship market. With that easy money, the number of women taking big risks will always be miniscule compared to number of men taking risks.

The companies who implement reservations for Top jobs for women will eventually die. It is just like the pathetic presidentship of Pratibha Patil in India, where she was made president by a feminist Sonia Gandhi based on her Gender. Pratibha Patil ended up being the worst president India ever had. The same will happen in corporates, if they reserve seats for women and many of these companies will face huge losses or will fail in businesses.

The best solution for all the feminists and communists today is to take a break and chill out. Then they can get back to basics. Women can not win any Gender war against men, because it is men who suffered or suffer more than women on this planet. A chaotic gender war may make men suffer temporarily, but eventually it is men who will gain and women will lose most of their privileges.

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  • sir, need help in divorce case of my friend.he is not interested in his marriage.his parents are forced to marry a physically challenged girl.
    they don’t have any physical relation from the day of their marriage.he is living alone from last six year. He is asking for divorce but the women is not accepting.Is there any chance to get divorce.Now the person is on bed, he is suffering with saralitical spinaties becuase of this ment

  • I am facing this type situation. So i need more help from your site. That is why i request you to give me your connect no or office address as early as possible. Thanks

  • There’s women’s grievance cell in every state police control room 24×7, but there is no such cell/body to take care of men’s grievances. In SIFF website contacts are of individual activists, but there’s no email where abused men can contact and get some guidance/help, my request is at least to have a centralised email where we can contact and express our grievances and have some valuable guidance.

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